Description: COHDATA.SDE.TRAILSOrder Field Description Action1 OBJECTID Default2 NAME Default3 RTC_TYPE For RTC4 RTC_STATUS For RTC5 ROST_SFACE For RTC6 ROST_TYPE For RTC7 VVRT Vegas Valley Rim Trail8 MAP_URL For website9 STATUS EXISTING, FUTURE, TEMP KEEP; changed PROPOSED to FUTURE10 MAINT_BY PARKS, PW, OTHER KEEP; merged COH into PARKS or PW11 PARKS_1 Trails contract data12 PARKS_2 Trail maintenance data13 PARKS_3 Trails contract data14 PARKS_MILES Used for calculating Parks Maintenance mileage15 TRAIL_USE Not used by Parks; from Park Planning Discuss later: identify equestrian/mt bike16 Trail_Lite From Park Planning; not edited but will be used later by Parks17 COMP_DATE Completion month and year Added COMP_YR data into here18 MILES Length in miles; not automatically calculated Renamed from LENGTH19 PARKS_4 Park Area20 SURFACE_MATERIAL AC, CONCRETE, SOFT Renamed to SURFACE_MATERIAL21 TYPE SOFT SURFACE, PAVEDRenamed SURFACE_TYPE from MAP_SURFACE;Renamed to TYPE22 OWNER Actual owner of land/parcel TBD by Erin23 MAINT_NOTES Maintenance notes TBD by Erin24 JURISDICTI For RTC Added per Erin 6‐29‐201525 Shape Default26 Shape_Length Default
Description: This data is comprised of individual trails mapped by BLM staff. BLM staff shared each individual trail which was then compiled into one dataset for use by City of Henderson staff. The trails contained are not maintained by the City of Henderson.